Welcome to Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus, week ninety-four. SC is a writing challenge in which participants are required to write a text to a prompt using only a certain limited number of words. This week we are requested to write our autobiography using only six words. Mrs. Jenny Matlock's instructions will follow my text, which is this:
Loving most her children and craft.
Here's a new version: Loved both: Children and her craft. (But here it is not clear whether it is her own children or just children in general.) A third version could be: Loved both: Her children and craft. A fourth version could be: Loving most: Her children and craft. Or a fifth: Loving her children and craft most.
Word count: 6
Loving most her children and craft.
Here's a new version: Loved both: Children and her craft. (But here it is not clear whether it is her own children or just children in general.) A third version could be: Loved both: Her children and craft. A fourth version could be: Loving most: Her children and craft. Or a fifth: Loving her children and craft most.
Word count: 6
Best wishes,

That's it folks! I have always loved the visual arts and since my children have come to the world they are almost more important than my work as a visual artist.
First Commenter:
Polly Janos

The Fifth Sister

To read other SC-texts for week 94, go to this site or click on the image below. (Mrs. Jenny Matlock's instructions follow there.)
Welcome to week ninety-four of Saturday Centus.
Before you go any further...
I've had some e-mails from Centusians having trouble leaving comments of late. I'm wondering how you'd feel about offering an alternative method of getting in touch with you at the end of your blog post like your e-mail address. If you list it like this: jennymatlock at cox dot net it should protect you from 'bots.
If anyone has a better idea, please let me know!
I think we all enjoy the feedback of the comments and maybe something like this would work.
Now you can
Although you may not want to because I have a doozy of a challenge for you. I saw it in a magazine and thought it was ridiculously cool so it might be fun to give it a go here.
I know it's going to be almost impossible for those of you running continuous stories but I'm still going to do it to you.
Because I'm like that.
Here's your challenge for the week.
Write your autobiography.
I saw some examples and they were amazing. Here's two of them: "Learned too late to let go" and "Still dancing in the rain today!"
The regular restrictions apply: PG, no splitting of the prompt, play nicely and visit the other entries, any style or genre of writing you prefer.
Please display my link button or just a hyper-link back to Saturday Centus. Be careful to link your SC URL to the Linky and not just link to your main blog.
E-mail me directly with ???'s or ask your question in a comment and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.
Feel free to link up anytime between now and next Saturday!
For those who are having trouble leaving a comment on this post, please write an email letter to me using this address:
adornment at live dot se
LOL! At first I thought it read you only loved MOST of your children...not that you loved your children most!
But seriously, I do know what you mean. I can't imagine life without my kids, husband, or the creative outlets of writing and art. Life sure is full, isn't it, when infused with love! Good to see you again!
Your six words are so true...and perfectly quoted by a loving Mother!
Good one, Anna!
Funny. I too had to read it twice thinking that you loved most OF your children... heehee... I love most of mine most of the time... nicely done!
Great job.
Good one, Anna! I agree!!!
Anna, this was lovely!
You love what you have created...kids and craft...gooood one.
To Polly, Karen, Mama Zen, Sue, Anita, Dazee Dreamer, Judie, Jo, and Janaki Nagaraj
Thank you so much for your thoughts and kind words! Reading this post now I see that I have written a fragment; it's not a complete sentence. I had difficulty using only six words. I think seven or eight words is what I needed to say what I wanted to say:
This is a life, filled with the joy of using her hands and eyes (=taking photographs, drawing, painting, making pretty things such as jewellery and clothing). It is also a life that became filled with her two children, whom she loves more than anything else.
But that would be 45 words!
Oh well, I can understand bow why some of you had trouble understanding. It was not clear.
Thank you ladies!
By the way, Judie, I think that with your painting and interest in the arts, we have a lot in common.
Also: I recently bought a DVD of The King's Speech, that you had recommended so highly in a review on your blog. I love it! Thank you for that information!
what a nice summary! We crafty moms feel the same way about the blessings we have in our kids and creativity.
Isn't it amazing how much meaning can be created in 6 words... and how a comma or word order can totally change it?! Amazing!
Nice job!
Well done. Sounds like you have a fulfilling life.
Very nice...sounds busy.
Siggi in Downeast Maine
Glad Polly cleared that one up. Funny how words can be taken different ways. ~Ames
All good, each variation.
That's a very loving combination, written by a very loving woman.
Be well, Anna.
What a wonderful autobriefography.
Since I've known you and read your blog this seems to describe you so perfectly.
Thanks for sharing this Anna. I'm happy to know such a loving woman.
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