Sunday 15 January 2012

A Cliffhanger Part II - Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus Week 89

Jenny Matlock

Welcome to week eighty-nine of Saturday Centus.

This is PART Two of last week's PROMPT, 'Hanging off a cliff!'
WORD COUNT - Not to exceed 50 words total.

Before we look at Part Two, let's re-read last week's text:
Charles took the footpath up the hill overlooking the town and the bay. It was misty at twilight, but he could still see the reflections of the city-lights in the sea. It started to rain when he reached the top, which was above a wall of seabirds' nests. They dug into the limestone making it hollow and it could crumple under your weight and leave you hanging off a cliff, if you were lucky enough not to fall 400 meters down onto the rocks.

With pencil and notebook in hand,
he heard a voice. Turning around, he felt the ground sinking.
'No!' he gasped.
And now, the rest of the story:
Crawling toward the voice, Charles came to firmer ground, but found no one there. Thinking he saw a light, he found the right path. It was then he heard the wall, where he just stood, crashing to the rocks. Safe at home, he wondered who or what had saved him.
Word count according to WordCalc: 50


Best wishes,

About part two:
I like happy endings. I am inspired by
a Danish children's TV Christmas series, Pagten (=The Pact; The Nowegian version has more information, if you can read Norwegian.) by Maya Ilsøe about a family of gnomes who are invisible to most people except one special boy who can see and speak to them. It sounds corny, I know, but they did an excellent job. My idea is that Charles, who is alone on his walk, has been saved by gnomes.

Source: Pakten

First Commenter:


Lovin' Life
Anita's Saturday Centus 89 - The Mountain Road Part II

To visit other SC-posts please go to this site or click on the image below:

Jenny Matlock

Here are Mrs. Jenny Matlock's instructions:

Welcome to week eighty-nine of Saturday Centus.

I am having a wicked time visiting blogs for some reason. Hopefully blogger will be more cooperative over the weekend.


Last week we tried using the cliffhanger literary device...

...and hopefully you literally left us hanging.

There is no official prompt this week. Just a continuation of last weeks story.

...and because I want to challenge you AGAIN...

What about if we do the conclusion in fifty words.


Five zero.

I was going to do ten but I thought you'd all throw a revolt.



New Year's Resolution! Romantic Friday Writers' Challenge No. 29

Welcome to the Romantic Friday Writers' fortnightly Writing Challenge, started and hosted by Denise Covey, L'Aussie, where participants share their own 300-400-word text - story or poem - on a given theme. This week's theme for Friday, 30th December, Challenge No. 28, is 'New Year's Resolution'. My text is written directly for this REW-challenge.

Here is my text :

New Year's Resolution

Anita Karlsson found a moment to jot down her thoughts:

Dear Diary,
Today is Friday the thirteenth of January 2012 and after several weeks of neglect I have finally found a space of time to put pen to paper and visit with you my friend since I was twelve. Imagine that! I have been writing to you for 37 years!

I just recently had my forty-ninth birthday; next time I'll be fifty.

I feel that this past year has been a crossroads for me. So much as happened. My cat met a feline-tabby-Casanova one very cold afternoon in February last year and gave birth to kittens in April. (I am still looking for homes for them.)
At about the same time, the divorce from Sverker became final. The most beautiful time of year - spring and summer - went to finding a new apartment, packing, moving and then unpacking. I'm not finished yet.

Yes, dear diary, I know. I should write a New Year's Resolution. What would that be? 'I resolve to never marry a man like my former husband again'? It seems unlikely that I'll even find someone to remarry. But I wish I could. Someone who really likes me. Someone who might learn to love me too. Someone I like, of course.

I could make a New Year's Resolution to stay cool and never to run after a man, even if I am infatuated in him. (I know. I scare the best ones off, like that cute guy Karl. He seemed interested at first and then cooled off.)

(Why is love so fragile?)

Now I know what I could promise! My New Year's Resolution is to take one day at a time. I read somewhere that 'how you spend your day, is how you fill your life*'.

'Til next time, Dear Diary!
Your friend,

[Text copyright 2012 Christina Wigren]

Word count according to WordCalc: 308; 'NCCO' - No Critque, Comments Only.

Best wishes,

This is a fictional text even if Anita Karlsson shares some of my experience. Before the internet and online blogging there was perhaps more writing in a diary or journal with a pen on paper. I have actually written (by hand) a diary since I was twelve years old. It is no literary gem, but it is a personal document that I am glad to have. Even if the texts in my diary tend to be boring, repetitive and not very deep, the act of writing every day has helped me write with ease, even if the quality of what I write needs proof-reading and editing. (I am such a bad speller!)
*This quote is from Mrs. Jenny Matlock's site 'Off My Tangent'. I don't know if it is her own words or if she is quoting someone else.

Oh no! I remembered incorrectly! This is what Jenny Matlock actually wrote (here):
Every morning when I get up I remind myself that "how you live your days is how you live your life." I try to live each day to the fullest. Always. Whether it is a sad day or a happy day or a day filled with memories and loss it is a day that will never come again. Carpe Diem.
Sorry Jenny!

Here are what the kittens looked like in April:

Text & Photographs Copyright 2012 Christina Wigren

First Commenter:


The Daily Dodo

To read other texts for Romantic Friday Writers Challenge No. 29, with the theme 'New Year's Resolution', please visit this site or click on the image below:

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