Wednesday 2 October 2013

Insecure Writer's Support Group for October 2013

Anna Nordeman


Thanks to Alex J Cavanaugh for starting Insecure Writer's Support Group.

This is my eighth post for IWSG.

For those who would like to see my list of how-to-write-books, please go here
[If what I write here is difficult to understand, go back to my IWSG-posts for August here and for September here.]

For my October edition of IWSG I would first like to give a quick update on my home life situation. Those who visited in August and September, know that I spent a good part of my time taking care of eleven cats, six kittens and five adult cats. I can now report that the cat population has been reduced to seven cats, three adults and four kittens. Life is a lot easier now. Many thanks to all who read and commented. 

I was able to write a story for W-E-P (Write-Edit-Publish, formerly Romantic Friday Writers.) that I hope to expand into something a little longer. I've written a little more to it and will let it be my post for my October-edition of IWSG:

Moving on.. or Melissa's New Life

Melissa Hart woke up one morning to find that her bed had grown during the night. It was huge. She walked around on the soft down coverlet that seemed to be three or fours times the size that it was the night before. Yes, the bed had grown in width, breadth and height. She looked down at her slippers on the floor beside the bed and tried to guess the distance. Then she noticed her hands: Instead of fingers, she had small appendages with retractable claws. Her arms were covered with hair! Fur! What had she become?


To continue reading, please go to this page here.

Best wishes,

First Commenter:

Yolanda Renee
Defending the Pen 


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