Sunday 10 June 2012

Treasury-round-up for Tina/parltradet

Jewellery from Tina's Etsy butik, parltradet, is featured in several Etsy treasuries this week. First, Marie Jonsson of mejjewelry has featured Tina's red stretch-necklace 'Many hearts' in her treasury 'Little red cherry'. 

Marie has a wonderful subtitle for her shop, 'Wearable History', because she is often inspired by historical pieces of jewellery or archaeological finds.  Here is a sample from her shop:

And then, Galina of Galafilc generously featured my jewellery in three different treasuries: 'June in the forest', 'Green fashion' and 'Colorful June'. Galina works with felt in unusual ways, making purses that look like roses and scarves that seem to live a life of their own. Here are some examples of her imaginative work with felt:

Thanks so much, Marie and Galina! 

Best wishes,

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