Friday 19 April 2013

Q is for QUINTUPLETS - 'From A to Z in April', Friday, April 19th, 2013

Q is for QUINTUPLETS!  The Letter 'Q' for 'Blogging from A to Z in April', Friday, April 19th, 2013 

From Left to right: Peep, Mathilda, Sigge, Lars, Kajsa & Elisabet

The letter 'Q' would naturally be for 'Queen' or 'Quilt', but this time I would like to show off our FIVE cats, who are not really quintuplets. 

From Left to right: Peep, Mathilda, Sigge, Lars, Kajsa & Elisabet

From Left to right: Peep, Sigge, Lars, Mathilda, Kajsa & Elisabet

From Left to right: Peep, Mathilda, Sigge, Lars, Kajsa & Elisabet

From Left to right: Peep, Sigge, Lars & Mathilda

From Left to right: Peep, Sigge, Lars, Mathilda, Kajsa & Elisabet

Three have the same mother and father, and the other two, who look like identical ginger twins, have a different set of parents alltogether. (If you are curious about muliple births in humans, check out Wikipedia's page here.)

From Left to right: Peep, Mathilda, Sigge, Lars, Kajsa & Elisabet

What is it that is so interesting? Why are they looking so intently out the window? 

From Left to right: Peep, Kajsa, Sigge, Lars, Mathilda & Elisabet

 It's the magpie's nest, of course.*
See the nest?

Eurasian Magpie: Source

My theme for A to Z is my favourite things that might show up in written stories, poems, paintings or jewellery. This is my list of subjects that I would like to work with.

Best wishes,

Magpies are intelligent birds of the corvidae familia, including the black and white Eurasian Magpie, which is one of the few animal species known to be able to recognize itself in a mirror test.

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Duck and Wheel with String


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