Thursday 25 April 2013

V is for VIKING as in Viking RUNE SIGNS - for 'From A to Z in April', Thursday, April 25th, 2013

V is for VIKING as in Viking Rune signs - The Letter 'V' for 'Blogging from A to Z in April', Thursday, April 25th, 2013.

Viking is one of these themes that can be sooooo tacky! I refuse to show anyone wearing a helmet with horns!!!! They did just did not have them! Here is my son Erik's rendering of a true Viking :

Erik's drawing of a Viking

Instead, I would like to focus on the Viking's or Norsemen's or 9th century Scandinavian's  writing style, which was in Runes, these stick-like letters that were carved in wood and stone. In order to get the feeling of what this writing looks like I am including a photo of the very famous Rök Runestone, Rökstenen:


I would also like to feature the wonderful jewellery work of Etsian, Anna Edwards, a genuine Swede, who lives and works in Pennsylvania. She has crafted three silver rings with three different Runes. These lovely handmade rings are available in Anna Edward's shop, Noblegnome Jewelry.




Please note that for every Rune-ring purchased, Anna is donating twenty dollars to the American Brain Tumor Association. Read her product text to find out why.

This is Anna Edwards:

My theme for A to Z is my favourite things that might show up in written stories, poems, paintings or jewellery. This is my list of subjects that I would like to work with.

Best wishes,
Anna (Nordeman)

P.S. It's my mother's birthday today. Grattis på födelsedagen, Mamma!

First Commenter:
Yolanda Renee
Defending the Pen

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