Monday 15 April 2013

M is for MICE. The Letter 'M' for 'Blogging from A to Z in April', Monday, April 15th, 2013

M is for MICE. The Letter 'M' for 'Blogging from A to Z in April', Monday, April 15th, 2013 

To remember my cat, Sara, who passed away February 6th this year, I would like to post one of my favourite posts on her blog, Sara Cat writes, from October 11th, 2010:

Photo Copyright Christina Wigren

Hello folks! Sara Cat here. Once again my Mommie/Mummy, Anna, has given me an assignment to post something for Mrs. Denise Nesbitt's ABC-Wednesday - Round 7. This week is devoted to the letter M. Can you guess what my M-word is?? Yes! My M-word is MOUSE! Yippie!!

Source: Wikipedia

M is for Mouse, or more specifically 'house mouse'. The house mouse is a small fur covered animal, a rodent, that lives near the two-leggeds and has done so for many, many years. They don't live in the wild at all. You will never find a house mouse in the woods. A vole or a shrew or a field mouse or a lemming or a muskrat/musquash or even a dormouse, but not a house mouse.

As a representative of a species that also has a long history of living near the two-leggeds, I can explain how these two groups have had a parallell development through history. We cats became tame (but not domesticated like sheep or cattle) when we were offered a partnership, a job, to put it simply, by the two-leggeds. As humans (another word for the two-leggeds) stopped hunting and gathering food and begain farming and raising crops, they discovered that they needed help with guarding their grain stores. Mice eat anything and loved to eat their grain. So we were introduced as guardians of the store bins! Why? Because we don't eat grain! We are meat-eaters only, carnivores. We hunted the little grain-thieves in the grain bins and kept them free from these intruders. This was our ticket to a long journey in partnership with humans and basically why cats are to be found almost all over the world. (Maybe we should be thankful to the little mousies?)

Source: WikipediaHere is a little poem I put together today in honour of all house mice:

An Ode to a Mouse (That's the title)

Oh sweet mousey, how I love you.
You are so little and soft and cute and furry!
Your sweet whiskers, your pink little nose,
Now wait a minute, what's your hurry?

Oh sweet mousey, how I love you,
Your pretty eyes, and little paws,
Let me hold you by your nice tail,
Let me hug you with my paws!

No, don't run away now, I'm not finished yet!

Oh sweet mousey, how I love you,
You smell so sweet, let me sniff you.
Let me lick your fur, or bite you - just a little.
Oops, Sorry. Shouldn't have done that.

Oh sweet mousey, how I loved you,
All the way down to my tummy.

So sad that you're gone.
You sure were yummy!

(I think I'll go take a little nap now...)



Thank you for allowing me to post this tribute to my all time favourite cat, Sara.

First Commenter:
Sylvia K.

My theme for A to Z is my favourite things that might show up in written stories, poems, paintings or jewellery. This is my list of subjects that I would like to work with.

Best wishes,

First Commenter:
Sandy Campbell 
Sandy's Musings

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