Sunday 20 January 2013

Foreign Tongue Poetics: Annas poem

dVerse is having a blogfest for poetry in different foreign languages. I saw this first at Tina's blog, Life is Good. Tina wrote a poem about her parents in Swedish and English.

Here's my poem:

Kära, söta Mor, jag älskar dig så innerligt.
Jag vill inte ha någon annan som min mor.
Av dig har jag aldrig fått några dåliga råd.
Om livet inte har blivit så lysande som mina drömmar,
Så beror det på mina egna okloka val,
Och inte på hur du har varit som mor.

Dear, sweet Mother, I love you so deeply.
I don't want anyone else as my mother.
From you, I have never received bad advice.
If my life has not become the wonders of my dreams,
It is because of my own unwise choices,
And not because of the kind of mother you have been.

Best wishes,

First Commenter:
Brian Miller


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