Tuesday 24 April 2012

U - Blogging from A to Z in April - Challenge - 24th April 2012

The Letter 'U'

Today is Tuesday, 24th April 2012 and the letter is 'U', which gave me a headache because I could only think of 'Ulv', which is an older Swedish word for 'wolf' (the normal word is 'varg'). I've got other plans for the letter 'W', so I will go ahead and do my A to Z-treasury about wolves and just call it 'U is for Ulv':

Why the Swedish? I am inspired by Tina Downey (not Tina of 'parltradet' who has curated all of these treasuries), no, Tina of Life is Good, who is one of the co-hosts for the A to Z Challenge April 2012. Tina is bilingual, and writes, with warmth and humour, about her childhood in Sweden, the people she loves, and about thinking in two languages. She has promised to teach everyone 24 Swedish words. And so far, she is doing an excellent job.
Please visit Life is Good at:

Okey, I'll be nice. Here's a treasury about a real U-word, 'Umbrella': 'U is for Umbrella':

Best wishes,

First Commenter:



Duck and Wheel with String

And here is Hobbes that Lin mentions in her comment. Imagine him in a wolf-suit!

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