Friday, 22 July 2011

"Before I die I want to..." - Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus - Week 64

Jenny Matlock

Welcome to Saturday Centus, Mrs. Jenny Matlock's writing challenge that requests participants to write a PG-rated text in any style or genre (normally, without any pictures for illustrations, but this week we are allowed pictures), using a given prompt and only 15 words (for this week). This week's prompt is: ...Before I die I want to...

Here is my text:
Before I die, I want to travel wide,
And resting by your side,
Before I die, I want to do one more thing:
Hear my granddaughter sing.


Wordcount according to WordCalc: 15

Best wishes,



Please note that I have two children, but not yet any grandchildren, so by wishing to hear a granddaughter sing, I am wishing for several things: first, that at least one of my children has a family; and second, that I live long enough to see this happen, and third, that I live long enough so that this grandchild is old enough to talk and sing a little, and perhaps, even remember me after I'm gone.

First Commenter:
5th Sister

To read other posts with SC-texts for week 64, please go to this site or click on the image below:

Jenny Matlock


Polly Janos said...

A child's song is forever sweet! I pray your wish comes true.

jeff campbell said...

Such lovely sentiments...nicely done...Peace and blessings

Viki said...

I hope your wishes come true. They are lovely.

Cheryl said...

Beautiful desires, Anna.

Deborah said...

Beautiful ... and I wish that they all come true for you :o)

Sue said...

Tender and wonderful, Anna.


beckyp said...

nicely done What a wonderful wish

Karen S. said...

Great Centus, and I hope it works, and you will be blessed with both a granddaughter and a grandson!...and soon!

jfb57 said...

Thank you so much for the explanation. That made a lovely post really super! said...

What wonderful wishes, Anna. I love that you wish to hear your granddaughter (who has yet to be born) sing. That's beautiful.

Ann said...

That's a lovely wish, I hope that it comes true

Dazee Dreamer said...

hearing any grandchildren sing is a gift. It fills your soul. I loved your thoughts.

Jo said...

How lovely to look forward to hearing a grandchild sing!

Mama Zen said...

This is so sweet!

Ames said...

I wish much more but there is only so little you can do with 21 words. A great post! I hope you are blessed with many grandchildren like me!~Ames

Madeline said...

I love how you used the prompt ! So precious!

Wanderer said...

Really Sweet! My wishes exactly! Nicely done. :)

jabblog said...

Very sweet! I'm lucky enough to have grandchildren but not yet - please! - great-grandchildren:-)

laurie @ bargain hunting said...

I do hope you get your wish. Beautifully written. laurie

gautami tripathy said...

Good one...

puerile ennui

Tgoette said...

Very sweet desires! I wish you godspeed in achieving them.

Cassiopeia Rises said...

Nicely done. Strange how different we all are.


Jenny said...

Uh oh. I think I'm going to need some Kleenex. This was lovely Anna.

I hope this wish comes true for you!


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