Anna Nordeman
IWSG - Insecure Writer's Support Group for first July 2015
What is lost (or gained) in translation? Meow!
Yes, I was going to write something about working with translations, but I have had no to finish this post. I have had much to do finishing several university courses and working at my new part-time job that I have not been able to post this on time.
Alex J Cavanaugh recently got his Sci-Fi-novel, CasaFire, translated into Turkish!!! Congrats Alex! And this has inspired me to say a few words about the work of translators.
Yes, I was going to write something about working with translations, but I have had no to finish this post. I have had much to do finishing several university courses and working at my new part-time job that I have not been able to post this on time.
And I am not finished with my incomplete courses yet. I finished an education course and an English course this spring term, but I still have a paper to write for history. I have promised to turn it in the first week of August. And then the fall term starts in mid-August. I will be taking a course in English.
My former husband has continued to give me worries, but I don't want to go into too much detail about that.
The one fun thing that I have done is to rent a car for the summer. I've got wheels until the end of October! I was lucky to get a very good deal from an aquaintance to my former sister-in-law. And I rented a parking space for it too.
It is by not means a luxury car, just a compact 1995 model Opal. But it gets me to the farm where I can visit my son and leave my daughter there when she wants to visit her father. My children are growing up too quicky.
The one fun thing that I have done is to rent a car for the summer. I've got wheels until the end of October! I was lucky to get a very good deal from an aquaintance to my former sister-in-law. And I rented a parking space for it too.
It is by not means a luxury car, just a compact 1995 model Opal. But it gets me to the farm where I can visit my son and leave my daughter there when she wants to visit her father. My children are growing up too quicky.
It seems that my dealings with cats are not over. At the age of 76, my former sister-in-law decided that she did not want any more kittens to take care of and find homes for. So I said that we would help her. And then one of her year old kittens gave birth to four kittens. So we have nine cats that need new homes. But they are living on the farm, not in our tiny apartment in town.
All I want to do now is to apologise to Alex and hope that he has patience with me. I have lots of ideas for IWSG-posts, but sometimes my computer time is limited.
Best wishes,
I thought I was ready to adopt a new kitten, but then a stray cat wormed his way into our hearts and home. He's sleeping on the couch next to me now.
I hope you find homes for all those cats!
Good to catch up with you Anna. Children do grow up so quickly that if you blink you really could miss it so enjoy every minute of them. I am glad you manged to rent a car for a while to make things easier and I hope you enjoy your summer and find some nice homes for the kittens...maybe you could share some photos of them with us??
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