Wednesday 4 September 2013

Insecure Writer's Support Group for September 2013

Anna Nordeman


Thanks to Alex J Cavanaugh for starting Insecure Writer's Support Group.

This is my seventh post for IWSG.

For those who would like to see my list of how-to-write-books, please go here
[If what I write here is difficult to understand, go back to my IWSG for August here.]

For my September edition of IWSG I would first like to thank everyone who stopped to read and comment on my dilemma with suddenly living in a four-room apartment with eleven cats as well as my two school-aged children. Thank you, Lin of Duck and Wheel with String for sharing your understanding of cat-psychology. Thank you to Roland of In the Cross Hairs for your clear thoughts about how to tackle big problems. Thank you Yolanda for your good wishes. Thanks also to M Pax, Huntress, Denise Covey and Tanya Walton of Alotments4you for your kind thoughts.

Having faith in yourself and others is important. Thank you for having faith in me.

I haven't found new homes for the kitties yet, but I'm advertising. 


A small and unexpected windfall enabled me to pay bills and hire a carpenter to install a door to the living room. This seeming simple piece of architecture allows me to hide valuable possessions, such as books, from the claws of six kittens.


I am still knee-deep in problems to solve; but they seem to be solvable problems; not like all of the unsolvable problems we sooner or later face, like broken hearts, incurable illness and death. And I did squeeze out a little story for the WEP-challenge, 'Vacation'! [If you've missed it, you can read it here.]

I am applying for jobs too. I'll let you know if I land one.

Please take care, all of you wonderful, creative people. Sorry, that this post is so thin. It is seven am on Monday, September 2nd, when I am writing this. I probably won't have time to add anything more sparkling than this.

Best wishes,

Yesterday, Tuesday September 3rd, a family came to look at the cats and decided to buy Lill-Kajsa. She moves to her new home on Friday September 13th. Elisabet is sad, but has nine days to get used to the idea and say good-bye. This family is willing to keep in touch with us and let us know how it works out.

Lill-Kajsa and her daughter Elsa

Lill-Kajsa together with her sister Kalle-Mathilda

First Commenter:
Joylene Nowell Butler

Joylene Nowell Butler, author


Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Anna, we had 7 cats starting in the new year. Then one by one, 4 passed away. Startling and so sad. But the 3 we have left are keeping us hopping.

Love your jewelry! And your photos. Blessings.

Lin said...

It sounds like things are changing...for the better. I think once you have thinned out the herd, you will feel less overwhelmed. Problems will seem to solve themselves, and you will be happier in the long run.

I'm always here for ya--no matter what's going on. Blog pallies are the best--they always have insight to help whatever ails you. I've turned to the pallies for many things in my life too!

I think the kitties will be happier when they are in new homes too. I know it is sad to say goodbye, but sometimes you have to do what is best for the kitties too.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hope you find a job and homes for all of those cats. They are cute and I'm sure someone will want one. Or two or three...

Yolanda Renée said...

I'm so happy to hear things are getting back on track. Those kittens are adorable. I hope you find a job you love, that always helps. Take care and write when you can. Our best wishes are with you!

Sorry, I'm so late, swamped and working on edits!

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