Thursday 16 December 2010

V is for Veggies! Mrs Denise Nebitt's ABC-Wednesday - Round 7 - V

V is for Veggies! (But Elisabet is not too fond of carrots here.)

V is for Veggies (That's the title)

V is for Veggies, Vitality and Vim,
Vibrance and Vigour, be ready to swim!

V is a Very straightforward sign,
Two fingers, each saying: 'Victory is mine!'

V is for Vitamins and Veterinary
(Something which Sara Cat finds rather scary.)

V can be Vehemently Verbose.
'To the Validictorian, a Very fine toast!'

V can also be Vindictive and Vile,
Vilainous and Vexed, but only a while.

V is for Violins and Violas with Vibrato,
Making us red as a Vibrant tomato.

Eat your Vegetables! Do as I say!
Vitamins are Vital each and every day!

(Purrs from Sara Cat)

Best wishes,

First Commenter:
helenmac of
Day by Day in Fabius

I am linking up with Mrs Denise Nebitt's ABC-Wednesday-Round 7- V. To read more posts about the letter V, please go to this site here or click on the image below:

First Commenter:


helenmac said...

Anna, what a great V posting. I love carrots and your poem to the vial V!
HelenMac, ABC team

ChiIL Mama said...

Creative and colorful post!

Roger Owen Green said...

I'm not crazy about carrots either, but Bugs Bunny is!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Nanka said...

What a collection of V words !! A pot broiled with all positive V's and spiced with a few negative V's makes a yummy dish.

Rinkly Rimes said...

How clever! Not only all those vees but rhyming too!

Jay said...

I love carrots, but they're so fiddly to peel, so I don't eat them as often as I might!

Love the gratuitous pic of Sarah cat! On behalf of the team thanks for taking part this week!

Ann said...

I like that carrot V cute picture. What a cute little poem

Lin said...

I like carrots! I eat them every day for lunch. :)

I like helenmac's photo--I need one like that with Joe waving in the background.

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