Welcome to Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus Week 97. Saturday Centus is a writing challenge that requires participants to write their own text to a given prompt using 100 words or less. This week's prompt is not a prompt, but a theme, 'Good things come in fives: (Scroll down past my first attempt and you will find my second entry. I did not read the instructions carefully enough and missed the word count of 25!)
Here is my text:
Good Things Come in Fives
'Let me see the palm of your hand, if you dare',
Said the Gypsy-woman to Katie, at the fair.
'Nice lines', said the fortune-teller, taking Katie's money,
'What would you like to know? 'Your future? Who'll be your honey?'
Katie thought, Do we really need to wonder what to do with our lives?
With layers of dust, wilting flowers, and piles of dishes, forks and knives?
'Please tell me how to keep my kitchen clean, and help my plants survive.'
'Remember your fingers and toes, On each hand and foot, there are five.'
'Good things come in fives', she said to Katie, sounding a little trite.
'Use them well', she assured, 'And everything will be alright.'
[Text Copyright 2012 Christina Wigren. All Rights Reserved.]
Word count according to WordCalc:120
Here it is!
Good things come in fives
Ginny held out her hand.
'What lies ahead for me?'
'Great things', the gypsy replied.
'Tell me what you see!'
'Good things come in fives!'
[Text Copyright 2012 Christina Wigren. All Rights Reserved.]
Word count: 25
Best wishes,
First Commenter:
Tanya Walton
Allotments 4 you
Here are Mrs. Jenny Matlock's instructions:
Welcome to week ninety-seven of Saturday Centus.
Hi. It's me. Jenny. Yes, I'm behind. Waaaayyyy behind. I have about 712 more boxes to remove from the pod in my driveway and then I will be able to catch up on SC's.
Mr. Jenny took me out for dinner tonight and I had a margarita. A whole one. All by myself.
So I'm feeling a little wicked.
So I'm going to give you a wicked hard challenge this week.
There is no prompt BUT there is a theme.
The theme is 'Good things come in fives'!
Your writing challenge is to write a story in fives. Five sentences consisted of five words EACH.
25 words. Five sentences. Five words in each sentence. 5 x 5 = 25
The regular restrictions apply: PG, no splitting of the prompt, play nicely and visit the other entries, any style or genre of writing you prefer.