Wednesday 4 November 2015

Anna Nordeman

IWSG - Insecure Writer's Support Group for Wednesday, 4th November 2015

This is my twenty-ninth post for IWSG, written on 24th October 2015:

I continue to struggle with my schoolwork at the university and making ends meet on a low-paying job that does not cover the cost of living. 

But I am also making discoveries. I am enjoying the company of my classmates. A group of us, about three to five of us, have started eating cheap salads together when we get stuck at the university and have no time to go home between  a morning class and a late afternoon lecture. So we eat together and then sit and read together and discuss how to get through all of the asignments me must do in order to pass this term.  

It's fun. I am really enjoying this. It makes me feel young again. And I may be able to get through the work thanks to these budding friendships, my "study-buddies".We have started making jokes about our work and our teachers - and  we are laughing out loud together. I think this is something that I have been missing for many years. The feeling of being accepted for who I am without having to put on an act. They seem to like me for me

And one of our teachers has noticed that my study-buddies have started to be more daring about speaking up in class - in English. So maybe I am helping them with my jokes, in both Swedish and English.

The only problem is that these young people live in Linköping. They don't have to make a dash for the commuter-bus to Norrköping. But I discovered that one of my instructors lives in Norrköping. She's originallly from Australia and has lived the last 20 years in Sweden. We happened to meet at the bus stop after class and had great fun talking about the the books and films that we like. 

 She made me forget the time. I almost missed getting off at my stop.

Best wishes,

First Commenter:

Laura Clipson
My Baffling Brain



Laura Clipson said...

It sucks that you're struggling - I know what that's like! I'm glad you've found some like-minded friends, though. My uni friends are the best friends I've ever had.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Anna, that's awesome you found a group and all of you connected. Let them be your strength and vice versa.

Tanya. said...

I'm so glad you are enjoying your studies, it sounds like you have made a good circle of friendships and I am glad that you are all enjoying sharing tales together. What are you studying??

Life is's important to remember to enjoy the little things...they keep us sane. xxx

Tamara Narayan said...

That's great news about finding friends. They can make such a huge difference in your enjoyment of things.

Arlee Bird said...

Sometimes I wish I were back in school. I'd get more involved than I was back in my younger days.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

Pat Garcia said...

Congratulations on your teaching job!

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