Friday 22 November 2013

WEP Challenge for 22nd November 2013 - Sharing

Welcome to WEP's Blogfest for November [=Write-Edit-Publish, formerly 'Romantic Friday Writers'] Challenge for Friday 22 November 2013 - 'Sharing':

'Oh, we were just talking about how nice it is to share our home with you two-leggeds!' says Mathilda and looks up at me holding my camera.

Best wishes,

First Commenter:

Tanya Walton
Allotments 4 you


Tanya. said...

That is a wonderful photo Anna, I'm not sure who looks more contented...your son or the cats??? On second thoughts I think they all looks as contented and at peace as each other!!

The Armchair Squid said...

Great photo! We don't have quite as many cats as you do but I totally understand the desire to lounge about with them.

Chrys Fey said...

Adorable cats! I recently adopted four kittens and they are ruling the house! lol

Denise Covey said...

Hi Anna! Adorable cats. Adorable son! How relaxing they look, and how camera savvy the cats. I'll bet they get a lot of photos taken and know how to work the camera!

Thanks for sharing such a sweet entry!


Sally said...

They are obviously very contented cats, you were lucky they all stayed in one place at the same time. Lovely photograph.

N. R. Williams said...

Little sweethearts playing with your son. Times like these live on in our memories.

Michelle Wallace said...

An entire story in a single photo! Priceless...
Thanks for sharing!
Writer In Transit

Vesper said...

This is such a wonderful, sweet picture! Thank you for sharing it - it brought joy to my heart! And, yes, you are right... they're sharing their house with us. :-)

Lisa said...

It's not very often one meets someone who has a lot of cats anymore. I grew up with tons of cats, all out door cats, but still there none the less. I love the ease of the boy with all those cats staying still for a photo! Great!

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