Monday 30 April 2012

Z - Blogging from A to Z - Challenge - 30th April 2012

The Letter 'Z'

Today is Monday, 30th April 2012, and the very last post for 'Blogging From A to Z in April'. The letter for today is, of course, 'Z' (but if we were writing this in Swedish, we would have three more posts left to go! Wouldn't we, Tina? (Co-host from Life is Good).

I thought I would leave you all with a zesty Etsy-treasury, 'Z is for Zebra', a stripey four-footed animal that resembles a horse:

Best wishes,

First Commenter:

Alex J. Cavanaugh
Alex J. Cavanaugh


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sorry, Tina - we end her with Z.
Hope you've had fun with the Challenge!

Jarm Del Boccio said...

Very clever and thoughtful include others from the Etsy shop! Just stopping by from the've made it...congratulations!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by and saying hello. And Congrats! on finishing the Challenge. Now go forth and reward thyself.

Tonja said...

Love the dog dress!

Stacy S. Jensen said...

Now you've made me curious about the Swedish alphabet. My family (Stenberg) came from Sweden as I understand it. Nice to meet you. I love Zebras. It was a struggle not to use it for Z.

Ruth said...

Zebras are neat. I have never thought to buy anything with zebra print though.

Bob Scotney said...

What happens if we suggest that people from Scandinavia have to use the extra 3 letters? No Sundays off?
Well done on completing the Challenge.

Tanya. said...

Haven't been able to get on line for a while so I have been playing catch up. Zebra was a perfect choice for your 'Z' posting...a lovely esty!!

Translate a text here: