Tuesday 10 April 2012

I - Blogging from A to Z - Challenge - 10th April 2012

The Letter 'I'

Today is Tuesday, 10th April, and the letter for the day is 'I'. Earlier, for the letter 'I', I have done several posts about 'ice' for ABC-Wednesday and Mrs Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday, so I don't really want to do one more ice-post here. (But if you are curious about these earlier posts please go here and here.) It's spring! And I'd like to write about INSPIRATION. Where does inspiration come from?

I believe that inspiration comes from hard work. You work with a project until you start seeing possibilities. We can also inspire one another. Go out there and inspire!

Today's treasury has only one item with the word 'inspire' and then the rest is about the colour indigo, which, according to Victoria Finlay's book Colour, was originally made from a plant that grew in India and then later in the West Indies.

Best wishes,

First Commenter:

Tina (Co-host for Blogging From A to Z in April)
Life is good


Tina said...

Så kul att vi är "i hop" igen! Tack så mycket för all dina snälla ord hos mig. Så kul också att du skriver till mig på Svenska. Jag har skrivit om is för imorgon. Till slutet av min post så säger jag lite om dig och säger till dom som kommer att dom skall hälsa på dig. Hoppas dom gör det.
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-Host of the April A to Z Challenge
Twitter: @AprilA2Z #atozchallenge

Tanya. said...

I love to find inspiration in all that I do and then hopefully pass it on to others to help them have full lives and achieve there best...it costs nothing to give a little inspiration to someone and there is so much in this world that is free it's a shame not to share!! Lovely post.

Unknown said...

Det var rart skrivet. Tack ska du ha, Tina! Länken från blogg-namnet Annas Adornment fungerar bra!
Thank you for your poetic comment about inspiration, Tanya! You inspire me!

Hugs to you both!

Karen Jones Gowen said...

"Inspiration begins with hard work" Well said!

Nice to meet you, and I hope you're enjoying the Challenge!

A to Z Challenge Host

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