Monday 9 April 2012

H - Blogging from A to Z - Challenge -9th April 2012

The Letter 'H'

It's Monday 9th April and the letter for today is 'H'. 'H is for Hope and Heart'.

Best wishes,

First Commenter:

Ann Thompson

Ann's Snap, Edit & Scrap


Ann said...

those are the best H words i can think of :) What a great treasury that is too

Unknown said...

Here's to hope and heart---we need them in this world.

Thanks for all the lovely comments you left on my blog.

--Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

Twitter: @AprilA2Z

Adura Ojo said...

I love your H for hope and heart, Anna. Two of my favourite things in life. Here's to more hope and heart for you, this season. You are such a creative soul. Wishing you lots of happiness, Anna.

Memories for Life said...

Great treasury! Great finds for the letter H :)

Tanya. said...

Lovely pictures's amazing how many pieces of jewellery have hearts on them...hearts are precious and with hope comes heart..the two fit so nicely together!!

jabblog said...

Hope and hearts and keys to hearts - lovely:-)

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