Wednesday 29 February 2012

'Maria's New Chair' - Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus - Week 95 - The chair dominated the small room

Jenny Matlock

Welcome to week ninety-five of Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus, a writing challenge in which participants are asked to write a text to a prompt using 100 words or less plus the prompt which this week, is The chair dominated the small room.
(Scroll down past my text to read Mrs. Matlock's instructions)
This is my text:

The delivery-man smiled at Maria, as he and his assistent lifted her new chair into the lift. She stepped also onboard to follow them to the sixth floor, and marveled at how the chair dominated the small room. The tiny lift made it look enormous. It was crowded with three people and the chair, when the lift suddenly stopped between floors.

'I'll get help', said one of the men, pressing the emergency button.

But nothing happened for more than an hour, until Maria remembered her mobil phone and called emergency services.

Three hours later, Maria could finally sit down in her new chair. She fell asleep.

Word count according to WordCalc: 106
Best wishes,

First Commenter:Link
write tuit
Welcome to week ninety-five of Saturday Centus.

Hi Centusians. I'm anxious to read your autobriefographies! I'm hoping to be all caught up this weekend!

How about a weird but more 'traditional' prompt this week.

This is my picture for the week. Feel free to use a picture of any chair in any room and write your story around that, though.

The prompt this week is: The chair dominated the small room

Number of words: 100 PLUS the six words of the prompt for a maximum of 106 words.
Style of writing: Any
Pictures: As many extra pictures as you like

The regular restrictions apply: PG, no splitting of the prompt, play nicely and visit the other entries, any style or genre of writing you prefer.

Please display my link button or just a hyper-link back to Saturday Centus. Be careful to link your SC URL to the Linky and not just link to your main blog.

E-mail me directly with ???'s or ask your question in a comment and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.


Judee said...

An interesting turn of events for this prompt - a chair in an elevator! I bet she was tired after waiting so long!

Jim said...

Hi Anna ~~ Nice story! I like your idea of the chair in the lift with the three of you. I remember getting stuck in an elevator and waiting until the firemen came to get me out. I climbed out after they got the door open.

Your post also brought to mind the little lift at our daughter's. I am not sure the chair would fit, it only holds about two people and a child or one person and a suitcase.
.. said...

"She fell asleep" says it all. Yet I'm left wanting more. Very nice, Anna.

I hope you're well.

Melody said...

Nice job! And thanks for coming by and visiting my blog earlier.

Melody said...

Nice job! And thanks for coming by and visiting my blog earlier.

21 Wits said...

...and all was well with the world and the chair lives on! Great use of the prompt!

Anonymous said...

Love the take on a "small room"!

rmannell said...

Hi, Anna.

In this case there would be no doubt a large chair would dominate the room inside a lift. I hadn't thought of using other than a normal room. :)

Great idea.


Tess Julia said...

Cute story. I was feeling panicky in the elevator for a minute there!

Tina said...

They should have chairs in lifts anyway for unexpected breakdowns I think lol.

Anna by the way I saw your comment about taking word verification off and over the past couple days I've had nothing but automated spam so I have had to put it back on I'm afraid. Sorry

Jenny said...

One of the worst things I can imagine is being stuck in an elevator...with or without a chair!

I loved your take on this. And I would have just crawled in and fallen asleep on the elevator!

You're such a clever writer Anna!

Translate a text here: