Thursday 26 May 2011

Sanna's dream, Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus Week 55

Jenny Matlock

This is my text for Saturday Centus Week fifty-five. SC is Mrs. Jenny Matlock's writing theme that requires us to wriite 100 words to a give prompt. This week's prompt is: "The reflections in the mirror."
Here's my text:

Sanna dreamt sometimes about her former home, where she often became very tired. There were so many stairs to climb. It seemed that the stairs were getting bigger all the time. She felt that she climbed over three steps when she only took one step at a time. Soon she had to hopp and pull herself up over each carpet-covered step like one of the month-old kittens.
There. She made it up the stairs again. The reflections in the mirror revealed her own cat, Dina, looming over her from behind. Sanna had shrunk to the size of a mouse!

Wordcount according to WordCalc: 94
Best wishes,

First Commenter

Jenny Matlock


Amanda said...

Great use of the prompt! And thanks for that WordCalc link, I needed it. :)

Glamour Buttons (formerly Alterity) said...

Cool writing exercise! I should have my daughter do them :)

Incidentally, I had a dream about you last night. I dreampt that you came to the States to visit and we went to some music concert or something...probably a spin-off of a music series you did some time back. You featured Zarah and I thought it was the coolest thing because most people are Zarah Leander...who the heck is that?! So cool!

jabblog said...

Hope Dina remembers that you're the one that feeds her but are not her food;-)

Ames said...

That's a scary thought. Was it only the way it appeared as she looked in the looking glas? Or did she relly shrink? Hope it was only the image from the alterworld.~Ames

Jenny said...

I love this Anna. It reminded me a bit of 'The Indian in the Cupboard'.

What a neat and imaginative direction you took this!

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