Sunday 13 March 2011

Bedtime Story - Monday's Child # 36

This week we are honored to have an illustration from a fellow blogger "lissa". She has kindly given permission for Monday's Child to highlight her drawing called Bedtime Story... Thank you "lissa".

Here is my text for this week's picture-prompt:

Bedtime Story

It's seven o'clock and time for bed,
My teeth are brushed, my prayers are said,

Pulling up my compfy cover,
I say 'Go'night' to my mother,

With rabbit ears upon my head,
I hold a book that's not yet read!


Best wishes,

First Commenter:

To read other texts for this writing-challenge with a picture-prompt, please go to Monday's Child here or click on the image below.

This wonderful writing-challenge is brought to us by


signed...bkm said...

Very cute it all figured out...thank you for posting, never too late..blessings..bkm

Ann said...

Oh my goodness that is so cute. It matches with the picture perfect. it sounds like it belongs in a book :)

Donnie said...

I love the picture and the text. They so compliment each other.

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