Wednesday 2 May 2012

Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Satuday Centus - Week 104

Jenny Matlock

Welcome to Saturday Centus, Mrs. Jenny Matlock' writing challenge where participants write their own text to a given prompt using 100 or less words, plus the prompt, which is There's a yellow rose in Texas.
Here is my text:

Charlene Johnson, from the Springfield Horticultural Society, had saved her pennies for years in order to make the trip to this floral exhibition in Holland. It was botanical Heaven for Charlene, who walked through rows and rows of tulips until she arrived at the roses. Passing quickly red, pink and even dark mauve roses, her heart nearly skipped a beat when she saw the yellow roses from all corners of the globe. The prettiest one was also the very last one she spotted. On the label was its place of origin: Texas!

There's a yellow rose in Texas, thought Charlene and inhailed the yellow rose's fragrance.

Word count according to WordCalc: 100 + the prompt's 6 words.

Best wishes,

First Commenter:

Tanya Walton


Jenny Matlock

Here are Mrs. Matlock's instructions:
Welcome to week ONE HUNDRED and four of Saturday Centus.

I actually pre-posted a prompt for today about the Wichita you remember that song?

Mr. Jenny and I are leaving mid-week for a little Texas road trip (thus the prompt for today) and I told him all about my brilliant idea for a prompt this week. He paused for a moment and then said, "You know that Wichita is in Kansas and not Texas, right?"

I blushed.

Of course I knew that.

Geez. As if I didn't know Glen Campbell was singing about Kansas. Geez.

Technically, there could be a Wichita, Texas, though...


But just in case there isn't...

...ummm... here's a new, improved Texas prompt...

The prompt this week is: "There's a yellow rose in Texas..."
Number of words: 100 PLUS the five words of the prompt for a maximum word count of 105
Style of writing: Any
Pictures: As many as you like

The regular restrictions apply: PG, no splitting of the prompt, play nicely and visit the other entries, any style or genre of writing you prefer. Please display my link button or just a hyper-link back to Saturday Centus. Be careful to link your SC URL to the Linky and not just link to your main blog.
E-mail me directly with ???'s or ask your question in a comment and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.


Tanya. said...

A lovely little write so nicely and use these prompts so well.

Rhonda Parrish said...

I think it's both brave and awesome that you're involved in a drabble a week contest. I should look at joining in, perhaps, it would definitely keep me writing LOL

~ Rhonda Parrish

Judie said...

Nice little story, Anna! I went to Holland many years ago on a flower trip as well!!

Susan Anderson said...

Great job, Anna.

I would love to visit a place like that and walk through rows and rows of flowers.


Sean Vessey said...

Good thorny tale!

Jenny said...

I would love to go to Holland! I've seen pictures of those flower festivals and...WOW!

I really liked your characters determination in this piece Anna. She reminds me of you! Never giving up on anything!

Translate a text here: