Sunday 6 February 2011

Elisabet & her pink unicorn - Beverly's Pink Saturday

Here is Elisabet, six years old, with her pink unicorn, 'Lilla-Vita' (='The-Little-White-One').

They didn't have a 'Bullseye'-the-horse-doll at the toy store when the gang from the movie Toy Story was purchased.

So Elisabet's pink unicorn, Lilla-Vita, has volunteered to play the role of Bullseye the horse!

Best wishes,

First Commenter:
Deborah of
The Caterpillar Uprising

To visit other pink posts, please go to 'How Sweet The Sound' for this week's edition of Beverly's Pink Saturday.


Deborah said...

Oh these pictures are lovely I remember how important my daughters toys were to her, I think the unicorn is doing a wonderful job filling in for Bullseye :o)

Ann said...

The pink unicorn makes an excellent stand in for Bullseye.
Elisabet and her unicorn are looking quite lovely today.

Jeanne said...

Hi Anna, your post is just darling of Elisabet and her unicorn. Such a pretty little girl in pink. I loved this post.
Hugs, Jeanne

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