Wednesday 9 December 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Erik

Soon eight-year-old Erik is featured today for Semi-Wordless Wednesday. With my permission, he walked home alone from school for the first time. He crossed several city streets to do it. My first baby is growing up.

Happy Wednesday!

Some of you may recall Erik as the playful pirate at Halloween?

First Commenter: Lin,
Duck and Wheel with String


Lin said...

Oh, it's so hard to let them go, isn't it?? I'll bet he was excited to walk home himself though.

EastCoastLife said...

I was very excited when I was allowed to take my first bus trip to school by myself. :)

BeadedTail said...

I'm sure it's exciting to see them growing up and being responsible. Yay for Erik!

WillOaks Studio said...

Good for you Erik! That's a big step to growing up. You're a handsome boy and keep making your mom happy!!

Daisy said...

Way to go, Erik! Be sure to look both ways before crossing the street!

Julie from Momspective said...

What a great Wordless Wednesday! Hope you have a fantastic day!

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