Saturday 25 April 2015

Blogging from A to Z in April - The Letter V - Saturday 25th April 2015

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Saturday 25th April 2015 - The Letter V

V is for VÅFFLOR, which is 'WAFFLES' in Swedish. The word Våffla has been in the Swedish language since 1664. A fun fact about Swedish waffles: Every year on 25th March, everyone eats waffles in Sweden. Why is that? What is so special about that day?


The 25th of March is 'Annunciation Day', the day that the Angel appeared to the Virgin Mary and announced that she was going to become the mother of our Lord. In Swedish, 'Annunciation Day' is Marie bebådelsedag or Vårfrudagen (literally 'The Day of Our Lady).


But just regular everyday folks misunderstood the name Vårfrudagen, and thought that it was Våffeldagen, which means 'Waffle-day', a day for eating Waffles.


Thank you for visiting!

Best wishes,

First Commenter:

Su-sieee! Mac
Qwerity View, from the top of the ladder 


1 comment:

Su-sieee! Mac said...

This was the first year I became aware of Waffle Day. I didn't get how waffles connected to Annunciation Day. Now, I know. Waffles must've been a special food to eat way back then when it first got started. For that matter, waffles still are, regardless of those frozen things you can buy at the store.
Take 25 to Hollister
The View from the Top of the Ladder

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