Thursday 16 April 2015

Blogging from A to Z in April - The Letter N -Thursday April 16th, 2015

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Thursday April 16th, 2015 - The Letter N.

Illustration Urtica dioica0.jpg 

N is for NÄSSLOR, BRÄNNÄSSLOR, which are 'NETTLES', 'BURNING NETTLES'. We don't have poison ivy in Swedish gardens, meadows, fields and forests , but there are burning nettles. If you brush against some burning nettles, when you are out exploring in the Swedish countryside, it stings and is sore for a few hours, and then goes away.

No childhood memories in Sweden are complete without some episode with burning nettles, NÄSSLOR, BRÄNNÄSSLOR.

There is even an autobiography by the Nobel laureate (1974), Harry Martinson (1904-1978), with the title, Nässlorna blomma (1935) (English translation by Naomi Walford as Flowering Nettle, 1936).

Thanks for visiting,

Best wishes,

First Commenter:
Barbara David
Entrepreneurial Goddess

My Photo


B~Natrelle said...

Hello there.
The leaves look a bit like mint! When I was younger holidaying in the Caribbean, my great-grandmother used to make nettle tea.
Thanks for sharing. Enjoy the rest of the challenge.

Entrepreneurial Goddess

David P. King said...

We have some nettles in our area, but they are edible if you boil them first. Thanks for the shout-out yesterday! :)

Unknown said...

Friday 17th April 2015

Dear Entrepreneurial Goddess &
David P. King,

Thanks for visiting and reminding me that nettles are edible!

My former mother-in-law used to make nettle-soup from the new shoots in the springtime. Delicious, and rich in minerals such as iron. It tastes something like spinach-soup.

Best wishes,

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