Saturday 11 May 2013

The Post A to Z Road Trip 2013

The Post A to Z Road Trip 2013 

Anna Nordeman

Hi, all of you wonderful bloggers! 

I've decided to make a road trip into the blogosphere with Shannon, Tina and Nicole! I'm going back to visit posts that I've missed. And while I'm off on my discovery-trip, you are welcome to look at my posts for A to Z. If you would like me to visit your A to Z-posts, please leave a comment with a link.

You will find a very good overview of my posts on my reflections-post (where you can pick and choose) HERE, where I have links to all of the letters of my A to Z-alphabet.

Best wishes,

First Commenter
Life is Good


Tina said...

So glad you're coming on the road trip! Maybe we can even squeeze you into our car...
I'm honored that you're going back to read my A-Z posts. I will do so with yours as well, as soon as the car is gassed up and ready to go ;-)
Tina @ Life is Good

Tanya. said...

Enjoy your road trip[ Anna....look forward to seeing you post again soon. xx

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