Wednesday 29 May 2013

Get Healthy Blog Hop! May 29th, 2013

Anna Nordeman

Get Healthy! For those of us who have a sedentary occupation, such as sitting at a computer for hours on end, there is a lot that can be done to get into shape and stay fit. Exercise is important. Daily exercise. For my Get-Healthy-post, I would like to show some examples of different activities that may help you.

Erik, eleven, in an Eastern meditative pose

First, I would like to thank my son, Erik, for sharing his new interest in the marshal arts. He has started taking a class in Taeqwando, which is a Korean form of kicking. His teachers are almost all women. I am tempted to give it a try myself! We're all learning how to count to ten in Korean!

But if you have trouble fitting a class into your tight schedule, take a walk! Right now (at least here in Sweden) is the perfect time of year for a stroll or a jogging tour.

Best wishes,

First Commenter:
Alex J. Cavanaugh


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's cool your son is doing Taeqwando. You should join him.
Thanks for participating in our bloghop.

Ruth said...

Today it is rainy out, maybe I can get some walking in tomorrow.

loverofwords said...

Anna: What a positive artistic blog -- you are my kind of blogger. I will visit often.

Yolanda Renée said...

I missed your post on the 29th, I think I've missed a lot around her lately, but am trying to make up for it while finishing some editing and planning a blog tour.

Walking is my go to exercise, and this year I vow to make it happen despite the weather. Cute picture of your son. This not a pose I could hold, at all! :)
Happy June, Anna!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hope everything is all right, Anna. Missed you this month for the IWSG.

Tanya. said...

My Hubby took taekwando for quite a long time and really enjoyed it. Myself I am more of a solitary person and during the summer months get plenty of exercise out in the garden and push-biking to and from work, in the winter I like to find the time to do yoga at home when I get a spare few minutes, very relaxing and yet invigorating at the same time.

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