Tuesday 5 March 2013

An Award from Sharon of Sharon Himsl's Shells, Tales and Sails

I've received an award!  
Sharon of Sharon Himsl's Shells, Tales and Sails has given me a Liebster Award.

Thank you Sharon! 

Sharon has written eleven questions for me to answer:

Eleven questions from me:

1. What is your favorite form of recreation?

Sleeping. When I am not working with some of my artistic or literary projects, which I love. I like to cook too.

2. What kinds of books do you read?

I read all kinds of books: non-fiction and handbooks for information. I love good 'how-to' books. I then I do read novels too. I like a good cozy mystery.

3. Why did you start blogging?  

I started blogging about my cat because I admired Daisy the Curly Cat's Blog so much. But my cat, Sara, was not as good of a fashion model as Daisy. Sara could not do the funny things that Daisy can do. I discovered that it was better for Sara and me to be ourselves as we are instead. I let Sara write about the cinema from a cats point of view, and she also showed talent as a cat-poet. (Read her poem for the letter 'M': 'I love them Mousies'.)
Sara Cat passed away (or as they say 'went over the Rainbow Bridge' a couple of weeks ago, so I may let the younger cats take over Sara's old blog. (See Sara Cat Writes

Then I started my jewellery blog, and it is now a strange mixture of crafts and writing!

3. Do you read books on an e-reader or prefer printed books?

I read printed books because I like the feel of paper. I would like to try a Kindle, but I just haven't gotten around to it.

4. Name two actors or authors you admire.  

Lars Hanson in 1919

From the past, I admire the Swedish silent film actor, Lars Hanson (1886-1965). He went to Hollywood and acted in several films until his Swedish accent put him at a disadvantage when the talkies made silent films obsolete. (But he continued his acting career in Europe.) Greta Garbo was his contemporary, but her film career continued with the talkies, as we all know. (See my post about Selma Lagerlöf first novel, Gösta Berlings Saga.)

I admire the author, Selma Lagerlöf (1858 – 1940). (see the same post.)

5. What makes you laugh?  

Oh, that's a hard question. I don't know. 

6. Which do you prefer and why: dogs or cats?

I love them both, but I have chosen to live with five cats because they are more independent and actually help each other. I don't have time to go out with a dog several times a day. But I do love dogs too.

7. When or where do you feel most creative?  

When I am well-rested, well-fed and come into a creative flow. I hate the myth of the starving artist. You work better as an artist if you are in good health. Just like any other occupation.

8. What is your favorite fast food or snack?  

I love Chinese food. Sweet and sour chicken and rice.

9. Do you have a special place you go to relax?

No. I don't have time for relaxation. I take care of the children and fall into bed!

10. Do you have a favorite comic strip?

Not right now. I don't have a newspaper subscription at this time.

11. If you could travel back in time, where would you like to go?

I would like to travel back in time to see my grandparents and father again. But I probably would not be able to take it emotionally. I would like to be able to ask them questions or just listen one more time to what they said to me, as a child, who was not listening very attentively at the time. I would like to take a tape recorder or at least paper and pencil.

Hmmm. Great story idea! Thank you Sharon! 

Best wishes,

First Commenter:
Sharon Himsl
Sharon Himsl's Shells, Tales and Sails


Sharon Himsl said...

I prefer cats too (sad about Sara). I'm glad you answered the time travel question. To see our ancestors or historical events would be truly wonderful. I love what books and movies have done with this idea (maybe yours is the next :) Had not heard of Saga of Gosta Berling! (wow...decided to buy). I'll be back for the A-Z. Take care.

Yolanda Renée said...

I so love these awards that require posting miscellaneous information it's fun to learn something new about our blogging friends. Thank you for sharing, Anna.

And with caring for the children, yes, sleep is a treasure!

Tanya. said...

Congrats on the awards Anna, have been out of the loop for a while but plan to catch up with all my favourite bloggers and try to keep on top of things. Loved learning a little more about you in your Q&A session. xx

dolorah said...

Oh yes, sleeping is my favorite recreation too. Then there is always eating after that :)

I'm a cat lover too; right now I have two but I think that is one too many. They were both strays, just showed up to eat and never left, lol. They don't like each other.

Its so cool you love the artists from another era the most. Its nice not to be forgotten. I talk about some old actors/actresses to my kids sometimes and wonder why they don't recognize them. Growing older is not fun, so many things/people get lost in the new.

Have a good week Ana.


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