Thursday 4 October 2012

'Birthday Madness!' Romantic Friday Writers Challenge No. 46 for Friday October 5th, 2012

Welcome to Romantic Friday Writers Challenge No. 46 for Friday 5th October 2012. RFWers is a fortnightly challenge that is founded by and hosted by and Donna Hole. For Challenge No. 46, participants are asked to write a text 400 words or less using the prompt, 'Birthday Madness'.

This story is a prequel to my on-going story about Paul & Jenny Holland & Co. If you haven't read the first part of this story, you can read it here.


Title: 'Birthday Madness'

The writing prize, that Jenny Holland had won, for Plot & Intrigue Magazine was an all-expense-paid trip to the South Pacific. Jenny asked Tom Norton to accompany her as photographer. Their first stop was a reception for the prize-winners. After the speeches and awards, Jenny and Tom mingled among the guests. Tom found an old acquaintance, Jack Richardson*, a writer who also shared Tom's interest in flying. But Richardson had done better, and owned his own aeroplane. 

'I'd like you to to meet Jack Richardson, said Tom Norton, holding his half full glass of Champagne. Jack Richardson was a handsome but short and slightly balding man in his late forties. The first thing that Jenny noticed was his ice-blue eyes and the dimples that appeared when he smiled.

'Congratulations. I've read your marvelous story.'

'Thank you', replied Jenny, feeling perplexed, flattered and strangely attracted to this man. 

'Jack is a writer as well as a pilot’, explained Tom, thinking that Jenny might like to meet other writers. 'We've just booked passage on a cruse to the archipelago. I'm taking pictures and Jenny's writing a travel story.'

'Oh really?' replied Jack lighting up as if he saw this as an opportunity. 'Where and when do you plan to go? I'm taking my plane on a short trip soon and I need a couple of passengers. How much flight-time do you have, Tom? Could you be my co-pilot?'

Said and done. Mr Richardson convinced them to change their travel plans and fly with him the next morning. But tonight they would celebrate his birthday.

'Why don't you come home with me? My wife, Myra, has planned a surprise party tonight. You don't have to give me a present. The only requirement is that you must sing a song,' he said with a twinkle in his eye.

Jenny and Tom rode in Jack's elegant car to his luxurious home with a lush garden and a large patio lined with lanterns hanging over tables laid with white linens, fine china and silver cutlery. There was also one table covered with rich meats, shellfish and exotic fruits. Later, Jenny would spend many, many days and nights dreaming about the food that she saw on this table. Little did she know then, that it was to be her last meal for a very long time.


Text copyright 2012 Christina Wigren
Word count according to WordCalc: 392; 'FCA' Full Critque Acceptable.


Best wishes,

This text is fictional. Any resemblance to events, firms, persons living or dead, is purely coincidental. *I changed the name of the pilot from 'Richard Smith' to 'Jack Richardson'.


First Commenter:

Tanya Walton


Allotments 4 you 


Tanya. said...

Lovely passage to add to the story about Jenny Anna, I am pleased to see that she is back in your writing and that we are learning a bit more about her trip.

I hope that there are still some more to come s I really want to know what happened not just whilst she was away but also with her children once she manages to get back home.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Talk about a cliffhanger ending.

Nice build up to the end. Some terrific description. I like her attraction for Jack.... Intrigue is such a GOOD thing.

Sally said...

What a great prequel and a few hints that things might have been a little sticky in her marriage before she undertook that disastrous trip. I look forward to more snippets of these characters. Well done.

Nilanjana Bose said...

Hi Anna, that is a terrific ending! I clicked your link and read the other excerpts too :) your characters are engaging and the story poignant and real.

Unknown said...

Dear Tanya,
Thank you for commenting. You are first It was your comments from last couple of times that inspired me to return to Jenny's story.
I have already given us reason to grieve the loss of Jenny's photographer-friend, Tom Norton. Now, I've decide to make the pilot come to life and even make him an object of infatuation for Ms Holland.
Thank you for your support, Tanya.


Dear Michael,
Thank you for your beautiful words about my writing. Your comments help me stay with it. I can even say that the photograph of you, with your warm and beautiful smile, has inspired me to give the Jack Richardson dimples. After writing this post, I've decided to let Jenny become a little infatuated in him.

(There is a reason why I have made him a shorter man rather than a taller. But that will become clearer later.)

Can't wait to read your post! But it's almost midnight and I have both Elisabet AND Erik with me. Erik is such a nightowl. I must see that he is asleep and not watching some film on his IPAD.


Dear Sally,
Thank you for your continued support of my writing. You help me keep writing! I'll read your post tomorrow.


Dear Nilanjana,
Thank you for taking the time and trouble of reading the whole story so far. It means a lot to me that you have done this. You can see that my texts may not always work so well as flash fiction, but connected together they may become a novella or a novel.


Have a great weekend, all of you wonderful people!
Hugs from

Raelene Purtill said...

Intriguing and the location adds some mystery as well. I look forward to more.

Yolanda Renée said...

"Little did she know then, that it was to be her last meal for a very long time."

Love the way you end with a cliffhanger. I read recently that all chapters should end that way. Something I need to work on with my own writing.

Great story, can't wait to see where you take it!

Denise Covey said...

Hi Anna. I'm so glad you ended up posting for RFW. You are a real trouper and your dedication is rewarded with a great story again. I really enjoyed your prequel. What an inspired idea to give Jenny her last meal for a long time in such a luxurious setting. I hope she enjoyed it. Sure would beat eating coconut flesh and drinking coconut milk...

Anne said...

You had me clinging on from beginning to end. Went back to the other excerpts and I totally enjoyed it! Can't wait for more.

N. R. Williams said...

Hi Anna
Sorry for being late. I guess this is Jack's last Birthday as well. I'd dream about that food too. Hehe.

dolorah said...

A fabulous intro to Jenny's later story. Cool to know how she ended up on the transportation for her disasterous trip. Fates are cruel.

What a great image (all that food) to torture someone with all those years.

Thanks for posting with us Anna.


Adura Ojo said...

Hello Anna,
Loving the cliffhanger and the build up to it. Can't wait to see what happens next!:)

Yolanda Renée said...


I just awarded you the Liebster award. It's meant to help folks add to their followers. I hope you have fun with it!

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