Tuesday 17 April 2012

'Why oh why oh why? - Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus - Week 102

Jenny Matlock

Welcome to Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus, a weekly writing challenge that requires participants to write a text to a prompt using only 100 words or less plus the prompt. This week's prompt is 'Why oh why oh why...'

Here is my text for 'Why oh why oh why...':


Once there was a woman, who felt very sad.
She was old, alone, and wished for what she once had.

Her life had once been filled, with loving laughter and noise,
She had had so many sweet children, both girls and boys.

But as spring follows winter, and winter follows fall,

Her children moved away, far away, one and all.

She awaited their return, but none ever came.
When she'd
outlived them all, she knew she'd waited in vain.

She was now alone and old, with good reason to cry.
'Why never return? 'Why oh why oh why?

[Text Copyright 2012 Christina Wigren]
(Word count 98)

Best wishes,

First Commenter:

Karen S.
21 Wits, by Karen

Here are Mrs. Jenny Matlock's instructions:

Jenny Matlock

Welcome to week ONE HUNDRED and two of Saturday Centus.

I had some thoughts to change the direction of this challenge but I haven't formulated exactly how to do it yet!

In the meantime...

Let's go a little deep this week.

In movie speak let me give you some motivation for this week's prompt.

You finally, finally have a chance to ask one of the questions that has nagged you all your life.

And you can ask the question of anyone...living or dead.

Your question can be truth or fiction and you don't have to divulge which you are writing about.

Jenny Matlock

Welcome to week ONE HUNDRED and two of Saturday Centus.

I had some thoughts to change the direction of this challenge but I haven't formulated exactly how to do it yet!

In the meantime...

Let's go a little deep this week.

In movie speak let me give you some motivation for this weeks prompt.

You finally, finally have a chance to ask one of the questions that has nagged you all your life.

And you can ask the question of anyone...living or dead.

Your question can be truth or fiction and you don't have to divulge which you are writing about.

The prompt this week is: "Why oh why oh why..."
Number of words: 100 PLUS the five words of the prompt for a maximum word count of 105
Style of writing: Query
Pictures: As many extra pictures as you like

The regular restrictions apply: PG, no splitting of the prompt, play nicely and visit the other entries, any style or genre of writing you prefer.

Please display my link button or just a hyper-link back to Saturday Centus. Be careful to link your SC URL to the Linky and not just link to your main blog.

E-mail me directly with ???'s or ask your question in a comment and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.


21 Wits said...

Oh my, oh why, oh why for sure, it would be great to have that answer. Nicely written, and very deeply felt, kind of a feeling I need to personally steer far away from this week! I hope your week is filled with much joy!

Jenny said...

Anna, this was so poignant.

I really felt this in my heart. If wishing could only make things change...for so many of us.

I'm sending you a hug, my friend. I hope some quiet joy finds your heart today.

Translate a text here: