Friday 6 April 2012

F - Blogging from A to Z - Challenge - 6th April 2012

The Letter 'F'

Today is Friday, Good Friday, and the letter is F: 'F is for Fox', and 'F is for Faeries/Fairies.(For my treasury for Faeries, I broke the rule about only one item from each shop. I have featured several items from only about four different shops. I don't think I could have done this any other way.)

Best wishes,

First Commenter:

Tanya Walton

Allotments 4 you


Tanya. said...

I love Fairies....I know they aren't always depicted as being cute and good...but they are one of my favourite fey.

Foxes are a wonderful animal too so thank you for sharing....have a great weekend. xx

Abracadebra Designs said...

Found you via A to Z Challenge. Loving the Faires Treasury. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Another great collection. :-) I love the Faires..

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