Sunday 1 April 2012

A - Blogging from A to Z - Challenge - 1st April 2012

Letter 'A'

Welcome to Anna's Adornments, which is a blog about jewellery-making by hand and anything else that either helps or hinders my creative process. 'Anna's Adornments' also happens to fit the first letter of the alphabet - A is for 'Anna's Adornments', as well as for April! But A is also about some other things.

For Blogging From A to Z in April I will be showing Etsy treasuries that I have curated myself.

For those who are not familiar with Etsy, a treasury is a list of items from different Etsy shops that any Etsy member can pick and make a photo-collage. The rules are simple: choose a theme, but only take one item from each store and do not include your own items! 'Spread the love!' So there are none of my own pieces included here. But I will be showing my own work on later posts.

For the letter 'A' I have chosen two themes: 'Amythest' and 'Apple'. 'Amythest' is a gemstone, the birthstone for the month of February, and 'Apple' is a delicious and versitile fruit, that grows on trees.

To show my treasuries for this blogfest, I am using treasury-widgets supplied by Craftcult.

Here are today's treasuries: 'A is for Amythest' and 'A is for Apples':

Best wishes,

First Commenter:



Excuse Me While I Note That Down


Linda King said...

Looking forward to seeing some of your work :-) This A to Z Challenge is such a great way to find new blogs to read!

Denise Covey said...

Anna, delightful. I have a question for you later. This jewelry is so unique.

Welcome to the A-Z Challenge. You'll find you have to comment a lot to get many comments back. Get your name out there!

I hope you'll drop by to read the stories on RFW and I'm showing one of our RFW friends, Laura, on L'Aussie tomorrow.


Lin said...

Hey! I LOVE your new look!! Very Nice! :)

Miss you. Hope all is well with you and the kids.

Sarah Billington said...

Hi from the Challenge!
I've never used Ets, but there are some really lovely things on there, huh? Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Cool stuff!

Look forward to your challenge posts!

Twitter: @AprilA2Z

---Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

moondustwriter said...

Oh Anna what beauty to adorn on the A day!!!
cant wait to see more

Tanya. said...

The Amethyst Etsy is pretty but I love the apple one...such clean cut colours to give you a happy feeling!!

The Poet said...

Hello Anna.
I love purple in any shade. My wife likes to put apples in our salads. It's very yummy. Nice selections. Good luck with the challenge!

I'm combining A-Z Challenge & NaPoWrimo.
Day 1: The Attraction

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