Tuesday 24 January 2012

Treasury Round-Up for Tina/parltradet

I've been so busy that I haven't noticed that Tina's jewellery has been featured in several Etsy treasuries. I am taking after Rose Clearwater and posting a 'Treasury-Round-up' to thank those who have curated these treasuries and included Tina's pieces.
Many thanks to jammerjewelry, Saucy Squirrel of SmittenKnittinKitten, Eva Kukliča of feelingwild, skye of skybluewater and gbvintage.

Here is a necklace from jammerjewelry:

Saucy Squirrel's shop SmittenKnittinKitten
was empty.

Here is a necklace by Eva Kuklica from feelingwild

Here are a pair of mittens from Skye's shop, skybluewater

And lastly, here is a doll from gbvintage's

Best wishes,


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To visit more treasury round ups go to this site:

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