Sunday 5 June 2011

Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus Week 57

Jenny Matlock

Saturday Centus is a writing theme in which participants are asked to write a given number of words to a prompt. This week's prompt is "The End". We can only use 25 words with the prompt to tell our story.

Here is my text:
Mr Butler abandons Miss O'Hara in this last scene before the words "The End" appear on the screen. Always the optimist, Scarlett exclaims: "Tomorrow is another day."
Wordcount: 25

Best wishes,

To read other texts written for this writing theme, please visit this site or click on the image below:

Jenny Matlock

First Commenter:



Judie said...

Good one, Anna! I quoted "Miss Scarlett" yesterday, as a matter of fact!!

Nonna Beach said...

Great job Anna and very clever!

Even though I'm crying by that scene in the book and the movie, the hope of tomorrow and starting fresh is wonderful !!!

Ann said...

good job.

Sue said...

Great movie. And regardless of how long it was, I was still sorry when it came to

The End.

=) said...

Gotta love Scarlett's attitude. Great piece, Anna.
Be well.

Anna said...

Dear Judie, Nonna, Ann, Sue and Robyn,

Thank you all for your kind words. I did not read anybody's post when I wrote this, so I am not surprised if others thought of Scarlett O'Hara's closing words. (I had recently purchased and viewed a DVD of GWTW, why it was fresh in my mind.)

Now I am going to try to go around and see what everyone else came up with, before the children wake up and take all of my attention.

It's June 6th, Sweden's national holiday today, so the children har still sleeping from looking at a late video movie last night. (Not GWTW, but Nickelodean's Avatar.)


Rek said...

Never say die works for some....happy Sweden Day..liked this immensely. said...

My Favourite movie of all time!
And, one of my fav quotes too:
Tomorrow is another day!
Very clever ending :)
Thanks for your note, and yes, I agree about our task is to let go.
Lovely blog you have.

cj Schlottman said...

Pain intertwined with optimism. No wonder we all love that ending. I love this.


Jingle said...

sweet and lovely ...

Happy Monday.
Thanks for visiting me.

Ames said...

One of my favorite movies! And yes...after all tomorrow IS another day! Lovely. ~Ames

upinthecosmos said...

I don't think I ever watched this entire movie... someday i keep saying... someday:-)

Karen S. said...

Oh this is just simply...fantastic...such an excellent way to go in such a short way..... ;)

Purvi said...

Wow! very very interesting usage! :)

Happier Than a Pig in Mud said...

Yep, tomorrow is always another day:@)

Bookie said...

Thanks for commenting on my own Scarlet take! Nice job on your own. Yes, you should read the book. It is way better than the movie. I have actually read it twice in my life, once at 16 and once a couple of years ago. I could read it again. So well done and captures the Southern frame of mind over the War. This book is unique in that it is about war, in a war setting, but there are no battlefield scenes!

dogsmom said...

A nice tribute to the 75th anniversary of GWTW

Jenny said...

Anna, now where in the world did this creative idea come from?

I'm really impressed. I would never have thought of this in a million years. Your writing is really fascinating.

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