Monday 4 May 2015

Reflections on the 2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge (4th to 8th May)

Reflections on the 2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge

Anna Nordeman

For those who missed my post for 'S' is for Solros-Sunflower, here is one of my sunflower pictures of my daughter, Elisabet, for Tina Downey, that I could not find in time for the 'A Sunflower for Tina'-post: 

Click here to see more


The April Challenge was almost too much for me. Sometimes, I regretted signing on. Not because of all of you wonderful people participating, no, because of me. I just did not have enough time to do it as well as all of the things that I should and must do. I needed and need to get my off-line-life in better order. 

Being the promise-keeper that I am, I did actually complete the challenge, but it cost me time that I should have used to do other things. So, as I mentioned on my IWSG-post for May, I will restrict my postings to my monthly rants for the Insecure Writer's Support Group. I like writing about one thing, once a month. I am sorry to say that that will be all the blogging I will be able to muster for the foreseeable future.

Having said all of this, I don't want anyone to interpret my comment as a criticism of the A to Z Challenge. It's wonderful! I don't want you to change it. I just cannot keep up with it; at least not right now. I have an ex-husband who will sue me for sole child-custody at the drop of a hat. He has tried to do so twice.  And happily for me, he has failed twice. (The latest time that I was in court about this was on 31st March -- the day before the April Challenge!) I let my son move to live with his father last fall, but I am still my son's guardian. My daughter still lives with me thanks to a very good lawyer and a fair judge.

I don't like being divorced. I goes against my grain. I still believe in love, marriage and fidelity. But after 19 years with a tyrant, I just could not take any more. I felt like a prisoner in my own home. No matter what I tried, nothing worked. 

So the last four years I have been picking up the pieces of my former life. I know now that I need to focus on fewer tasks and do them better. My children still need me. They are growing up all too quickly.

I don't know about next year's A to Z. I don't want to make promises I may not be able to keep.

But I have no complaints about the A to Z Challenge-team. I am happy for the friends and  acquaintances that I have made through this challenge. I'll try to keep in touch.

Best wishes,

First Commenter:

Taanya Walton


Tanya. said...

Glad you survived the challenge but if you feel you need time away from the blog then of course you must take it...after all life in the real world always has to take precedence but when you do have time to write I will be here to read it...though I too am having busy times so it may not always be immediately.

Take care Anna, I wish you and your family good health and look forward to hearing from you soon...maybe even with some jewelry updates. xx

Unknown said...

Yes, Tanya! I'm working on it!

Su-sieee! Mac said...

I came across your blog towards the end of the challenge. I enjoyed your posts a lot. Best wishes to you. I hope everything turns out the way you want it.
The View from the Top of the Ladder

Mary B said...

Just now getting around to visiting the blogs in the challenge. April was a busy month for me. Congrats on completing the A to Z Challenge! Looking forward to next year! See you on the Road Trip!


B~Natrelle said...

Hello there.
Congratulations on completing the challenge! Thanks for visiting me along the way. I'm sorry to hear of your personal troubles with your ex-husband. Elisabet is a beautiful girl though. Wishing you the best and hoping all goes well. I'm popping over again today from the Road Trip/Reflections linky.

Entrepreneurial Goddess

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