Thursday 23 April 2015

Blogging from A to Z in April - The Letter T - Thursday 23rd April 2015

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Thursday 23rd April 2015 - The Letter T

T is for 'TIME', which is TID in Swedish. Time is like the wind, you can't hold it or see it, but it's there.

A short post today. 

The word for newspaper in Swedish is tidning, my local newspaper where I live is called Norrköpings Tidningar. And what archaic English word that means 'news' comes to mind? Yes, 'tidings'.

Thank you for visiting!

Best wishes,

First Commenter:
Alex J. Cavanaugh


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Tidings! I learned something new.
Time is sure in short supply during the Challenge.

Unknown said...

Thanks for visiting, Alex!

S. L. Hennessy said...

I love reading posts about etymology and language. This was so interesting. Time is Tid in Sweeedish!

Good luck with the A to Z Challenge!
A to Z Co-Host S. L. Hennessy

Tanya. said...

Time certainly waits for no one and many of us are always wishing for more for one reason or another...personally I am just forever thankful of the time I have been granted.

Glad tidings to you Anna, that is what we say here in England. xx

Unknown said...

And Glad tidings to you too, Tanya!

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