Sunday 20 March 2011

Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus Week 46

Jenny Matlock

Welcome to week forty-six of Saturday Centus.

To read Mrs. Jenny Matlock's instructions, please scroll past my SC-text, which is here:
It had been a long winter for Sanna Rumsten, because of the divorce-preceedings and move from their beautiful townhouse with crystal chandeliers and hardwood floors. Wanting desparately to get away, she rented a smaller apartment with only linoleum floors. It was crowded with her possessions. She would have to throw alot more overboard than just a husband to make this work.

It was morning in the new home.
The curtain parted as she drew the strings revealing the sunlit street with tatoo-parlor, used paperback-bookstore and kebab-restaurant. Not the most fashionable neighbourhood, but what choice did she have? Sanna and the children were together.

Wordcount according to Wordcalc: 100

Best wishes,

First Commenter:

Ann's Snap, Edit & Scrap

To visit other Saturday Centus posts for week 46 please go to this site or click on the image below:

Jenny Matlock

Here are Mrs. Jenny Matlock's instructions:

No surprises again. I'm just lulling you into complacency...

The prompt this week is...

The curtain parted...

You can use this prompt and UP TO 100 additional words to write a story of your choosing in any style of writing you prefer. Just keep your story PG and try to visit as many of the other links as you can!

Please display link button or just a hyper-link back to Saturday Centus. Be careful to link your SC URL to the Linky and not just link to your main blog.

Please e-mail me directly with ???'s or ask your question in a comment and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.

Feel free to link up anytime between now and next Saturday!


Ann said...

So long as they have each other that's all that matters :)
I remember going through my divorce. I wasn't the one who moved out but everything seemed strange. I had been married for 21 years so being single took some getting used to

jfb57 said...

This could have been really sad but uplifted at the end! Well done!

Koby said...

I agree, it could have been sad, but you didn't let it...great job!!!

Anna said...

Dear Ann,
Thanks for sharing your own life experience. It is comforting to know that I am not alone starting a new kind of life. Yes, this text is a mix of fact and fiction. The divorce part is true, as well as the moving part, but I have not yet moved. I probably will have to take a break from blogging for several weeks when that happens. The smaller apartment? Yes, I have looked at it, but it is not final yet. Wherever we do end up living, it will be simpler and less luxurious than our present home. There is an apartment that fits the description in this story about Sanna. We may move to that apartment. Everything else is too expensive. At this exact moment, I still reside in a home with hardwood floors and chandeliers and am imagining that I will miss it when we do move. But I will move, because there is a price for staying that I am not willing to pay.

Hi jfb57!
Thank you for noticing this. I have my moments when I could start to get a little bitter about certain details, but I realise that becoming bitter would only get in the way of doing something constructive. I have two wonderful children growing up before my eyes; I have unfinished projects to do; books to read; books to write; paintings to paint! Now if I could just get my budget balanced...

Hi Kolby,
Thank you for your kind words too. My character, Sanna Rumsten, is going to make it. And if she can do it, maybe I will do alright too!

Sue said...

I loved this line: "She would have to throw alot more overboard that just a husband to make this work." I was also drawn to the character who was making the best of a difficult situation.

Then I read the comments and realized this is based in fact. Good on you, Anna. No wonder the character was so relatable!


Kat said...

I agree, this could have been very sad, but in the end it's the best choice. Their is hope and optimism in the last line. Best wishes to you as you transition into this new phase of your life. Kat

Karen S. said...

No doubt your writing comes from the heart! I very much enjoyed your take on the prompt, so vivid and emotional and yet uplifting in so many ways! Great stuff! Thanks for stopping by my blog, and I'm going to tag along with your blog as well! Have a great rest of the weekend!

Judie said...

Good work Anna! I hope she keeps those kids away from the tattoo parlor!

Tracy said...

As this centus revealed itself to me , I could empathise with it totally . My husband of nearly 25 years ( when he left )has had 7 affairs and is now living with his mistress once the divorce is finalised he will be remarrying. Right now I am blessed by God to be able to stay in the family home , bu I know this will end sometime soon.
In a way I dread it it another it will bring closure to a painful time in my life and enable me to restart
Than you would love to chat more said...

Great imagery, from crystal chandeliers to the tattoo parlor. This is such a human piece, Ana. I really like it. Thanks for this offering.

cj Schlottman said...

Anna, I have been following this story for some time. Isn't it wonderful to know that things are just things? Go ahead! Toss out the things that don't have any real special meaning to you. You are a courageous and talented woman. Never forget that.


Jo said...

I loved that she and the children were together in the end ... that is the most important thing ... Very well written Anna!

Ames said...

A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Stay away from the tat parlor! :) ~Ames

Tgoette said...

Nicely done! Sadly this is a real reflection on life for a lot of people these days. You captured it very well!

Rek said...

Its beautiful in its pain...but they say there is a light at the end of every have your children to watch growing up...I don't even have that gift....moved me all over again as I saw myself in her.

Jenny said...

Anna, I sense that this apartment will only be a stepping stone for a brighter future for all of them.

I loved this line: 'She would have to throw alot more overboard than just a husband to make this work'. Just perfection, dear lady.

This was really a tight and poignant read. Impressive.

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