Friday 25 February 2011

F is for Fairy/Faerie, T is for Tooth-Faerie - Mrs Denise Nesbitt's ABC-Wednesday - F, and Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday- Round 2 - T

I wasn't sure that I would have time to post anything for Mrs Nesbitt's ABC-Wednesday Round 8 - F. It is already Friday, February 25th, and I will be among the very last to post. So F is for Fairy or Faerie, depending upon what side of the Atlantic you are.
I am also linking up with Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday, Round 2 -T. T is for Tooth and Tooth-fairy or Tooth-Faerie! Sorry Jenny! Please forgive me! I am so pressed for time this week and the next!

Photo & Copyright: Christina Wigren

The day before yesterday, the second of Elisabet's front baby teeth fell out. Actually, she had been wiggling it for several days until she more or less pulled it out herself.

My camera-memory-card is full. I have not been able to take new photos for two or three days now. (There are so many things going on right now that I may not be able to post anything at all next week.)

Photo & Copyright: Christina Wigren

So I am illustrating this post with the help of images from Wikipedia and my own photos from the loss of Elisabet's first front baby tooth.

Photo source: Wikipedia

Best wishes,

First Commenter:
Donnie of
New Blessing Everyday

To visit other posts about the letter F, please visit this site or click on the image for ABC-Wednesday, Round 8 - F below:

To visit other posts about the letter T, please visit Mrs. Jenny Matlock's site Off My Tangent or click on the image below for Alphabe-Thursday, Round 2 -T:

Jenny Matlock


Donnie said...

Looks like you did pretty good at posting anyway. She is a brave girl to keep wiggling her tooth. Hope the tooth fairy treated her well.

Jackie Briere said...

It's too bad we only have 2 sets of teeth .

Lisa said...

You may not like your post much, but I think it's sweet. Fairies are a magical part of childhood and your daughters smile says it all.

Inger-M said...

Hei, og takk for ditt besøk og kommentar på min blog!

Så bra at det gikk fint, og fortsatt går fint, med din datter, koselige bilder av henne på bloggen din :-)

For meg ble fotografering noe jeg kunne gjøre for å få tida til å gå, pluss at blogging var en fin måte å få ut fortløpende og korrekt informasjon til venner og kjente :-)

Koselig post om fairies :-)

Ønsker deg en riktig god helg!

Tayet Silverspoon said...

Your daughter is so cute! I love the name Elisabet.

I have lost all my teeth.... No more tooth fairy for me... Unless some of my teeth get knocked out playing soccer or falling out of a tree...

Summer Rain said...

what a smart combination..T, F.



Greetings, Happy Firday! Blessings…

Friendship Awards, Enjoy!
Thanks for the support, You Rock!

ChristiS said...

My 7 year old is also missing his two front teeth! Aren't they the cutest when their teeth are missing?!

Jeanne said...

Good choices! Love the way you tied them together. Thanks for coming by to visit! RYC: We got some very good root vegetables. They weren't very pretty but the flavor was excellent. This was my first time with the abc meme. It's fun and I'm thinking ahead in the alphabet already lol.

Judie said...

went to a costume party dressed as the tooth fairy once. I wore a red velvet ball gown, a tiara, and I carried some of my childrens' baby teeth in a little draw-string bag!!

Ann said...

Well that worked out perfectly doing both F and T together. I remember those days of wiggling that tooth until it finally came loose. Always in anticipation of what the tooth fairy would bring

Roger Owen Green said...

Hope the FAIRY was FAIR to the child!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Paula Scott said...

Shhhhh!! Don't tell my 19 year old son, but I have kept ALL of his teeth! Silly, huh? Very nostalgic post.

jabblog said...

Children look so sweet when their baby teeth start falling out and leaving gaps. Then the adult teeth seem too large for a while. Lovely photos!
I hope whatever is stealing your time is doing it in a welcome way.

Jenny said...

You silly girl. No apologies are necessary with me...ever. Blogging is for fun, not for stress.

Tooth fairies. What a magical post. I loved this. Loved the top picture and your beautiful daughter with her gappy, sweet smile.

Thanks for a terrific link to Alphabe-Thursday Miss Anna!

And, please, do this only when and if you can! You are always welcome and I know you have so much stress in your life already...don't make this one, too!

Hugs and A+

Anna said...

This is a comment from Amy:

Dear Anna, thanks so much for stopping by my blog! Sorry, for some reason Blogspot doesn't "take" my comments.

I loved your pictures of the baby tooth. Takes me back to the Tooth Fairy days of my daughter, who is now 22. Believe it or not, I have all her baby teeth, still wrapped in the special envelopes we used to put them in to tuck under her pillow!~

Brought back some good times. So thank you, and hope to see you again! Peace, Amy

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