Saturday 8 January 2011

Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus Week 36

For this week's Saturday Centus, Mrs. Jenny Matlock would like us to write up to 100 words from a picture, the one shown above. (Read her full instructions at the end. ) Here is my SC-text for week 36:

Jon admired Linnaeus, but even more, he admired Sara, who knew a lot about plants. Jon planted orange seeds in pots and nursed them until they were small trees. Fifteen, in fact. Was it time to ask Sara to see these beauties? Or would she think him too forward? Maybe if he put them on the balcony, she would see them from the street as she passed by.

He moved them.

Time passed. It was soon Christmas, and he still had not asked Sara to stop by. The orange trees were still on the balcony. Under a layer of snow.

Best wishes,
First Commenter:
Bookie of
Claudia's Page

Wordcount according to WordCalc: 100
Read more about Carl Linnaeus in English or in Swedish on Wikipedia's page.

To read other Saturday Centus texts written with this photo in mind, please go to this site by clicking on the image below:

Jenny Matlock

Here it is! Week thirty-six and a brand New Year for a Centus. I will comment on last weeks links sometime this weekend...I have my story to post first, though, and I never read until I've written...I feel like I'm cheating otherwise!
Since it's a New Year and all, I'm thinking what better way to start then by exercising our brains! (and five more, and four more, and three more...)
This week, there is no prompt! You're going to write from a picture!
Still 100 PG rated words and a story of your choosing - fact, fiction, or poetry and try mighty hard to visit the other links!

You have the entire week to link your work to the meme and you can link more than one story if you like. Please display link button or just a hyper-link back to Saturday Centus. Be careful to link your SC URL to the Linky and not just link to your main blog.
Try to visit each one because there are some amazing writers participating in this meme and the stories are so short it is a fun and quick read. Please e-mail me directly with ???'s or ask your question in a comment and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible. Link anytime between now and next Saturday morning.


Bookie said...

Nice job. I think he waited too long though to bring his heart affair to "fruitation". :)

Strummed Words said...

I love your oranges in the snow story.

Anna said...

Dear Bookie,
Thanks for stopping by. Yes, you're right. It's so sad. He waited too long.
@Strummed Words
Dear Strummed Words,
Thank you your kind words. I'm not sure whether I've read your post, so I will click on your name after I write this.
Best wishes,

Koby said...

Your story really flowed, and had me wishing for more. Great job!

Ann said...

oh too bad Jon could not have had the courage to invite Sara over.
Lovely story

Happier Than a Pig in Mud said...

Aw, I think John needs to ask Sara over for an orange slushie:@)

Tgoette said...

I think I need some clarification with this post. In Sweden is this some kind of mating ritual, this showing of plants and trees? And is the type of plant more important than the number of plants? I'm confused.

Kat said...

This was a really neat little story Anna! I think Jon better hurry up and ask Sara over, before those poor trees freeze! Kat

Sue said...

Nice story, Anna. I think this guy needs to get on the ball!


jfb57 said...

He needs to make a stand I think! Nice take on the prompt A!

Terra said...

is he lazy or nervous? Either way, great story

Polly Janos said...

Anna! What's he waiting for? Is he afraid of rejection? Of criticism? Come on,'ll soon be too late!

Good story, especially since it made me want to give him a swift kick in the hiney!

articlesoffaithandfancy said...

Aw, poor guy! Maybe he will get the courage he needs soon! said...

This is so well written, I'm left wanting to give Jon a swift kick in the *%&!
I didn't make it to class this week, but I'm glad so many other great students did.

Jo said...

oh poor man ... to love and nuture ... all in vain

Rek said...

Well, has he not heard of "nice guys finish last?"....time to let her know , better still make her reveal her feelings, discreetly....very sweet and elegant take.... :)

gautami tripathy said...

Maybe we should to help him...

destined destination

Tina said...

oooh will she ever get to see them I wonder ....

Jenny said...

Tom's comment made me laugh!

I liked this Anna. Such a different direction with the prompt.

I think he sounds wonderfully shy. I hope she looks up and sees the oranges before it's too late!

Thanks for linking. I enjoyed this story.

Translate a text here: