Thursday 11 November 2010

Q is for Quartz, Mrs. Denise Nesbitt's ABC-Wednesday , Round 7 - Q

Photo Copyright Christina Wigren

Q is for Quartz. Here are a couple of pairs of newly-made sterling silver earrings with QUARTZ nugget dangles. They remind me of melting ice.

Photo Copyright Christina Wigren

Yesterday (Wednesday 10th of November 2010) we had our first 'sticky' snowfall. The children took advantage of the weather conditions and made a snowman. Winter is here, at least here in the north, in the northern hemisphere. This is what the snow man looks like today, Thursday:

Photo Copyright Christina Wigren

I am linking up with Mrs Denise Nesbitt's ABC-Wednesday, Round 7. This week the focus in on the letter Q.
Best wishes,

First Commenter:
Roger Owen Green
Ramblin' with Roger

To visit other posts with Q-words, please visit this site.

P.S. If you find this Q-post a bit meagre take a peek at my Q-post from Round 6 here, when I had a whole list of Q-words. I have made this a little simpler. And yes, I am inspired by Karen Stahlecker's quartz drops earrings that I featured on that post, when making these quartz earrings that I have here. Materials inspire similar solutions. I have a link to her store on that older post, if you would like to check hers out. I will be listing these earrings very soon. (Anna)


Roger Owen Green said...

We in Albany, NY had about an inch of slushy snow on Mon, Nov 8. Depressing, but it's gone away!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Shail Raghuvanshi said...

Lovely pictures Anna. No snow here sadly...

Deanna T. said...

Lovely image you called up, linking quartz to melting ice. No snow here yet. Thank goodness. I'm sort of dreading it, but can't help but look forward to children playing in the snow and creating snowmen!

jabblog said...

Beautiful earrings! It must be so satisfying making lovely adornments.
I don't envy you the snow though it's fun for the children. Here in UK everything grinds to a halt when snow falls heavily.

Jedediah said...

The earrings really look like melting ice, beautiful.
And you're right - there are only so many animals with Q. I have seen a mounted Quagga in a museum, but I have no photos of that and I have never had the chance to see a Quetzal or a Quoll, so Quail it was :) I'm still not sure what to do with X...

agnetha said...

Hello, Why is your blog in English. I suspect that you're Swedish and lives here in Sweden. Am I wrong? If we are Swedes, both you and me, we do not write In English to each other. I saw that you follow my blog now that I think was fun. I click into me and followers of yours too. Have a great day. .

Tash said...

(LOL that agnetha's comment is in ... English!)
Anna, thank you for visiting my Quartz post. So nice of you to leave a comment. I think your quartz earings are so beautiful and so beautifully photographed - they look so much a part of nature.
I grew up in Bosnia and your pictures of kids and snowman reminded me of the fun I used to have in the snow there.

Nanka said...

Our rains are as bad as your snow and similar problems encountered here. Thankfully monsoon is over but it does not snow here so it looks like great fun time to me. :)

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